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Getting Paid for Overtime


In CA, if I work overtime, when should I get paid for those hours I worked?

Wages for overtime must be paid by the next payday for regular payroll after the overtime was earned. For employees that are paid, biweekly, weekly, or every 2 weeks, overtime wages must be paid no more than seven calendar days after the close of the payroll period. If you haven’t been paid for your overtime wages, and it has been longer than 7 days after the close of your payroll period, you may file an overtime wage claim in California.


Jane gets paid for her job every 2 weeks. Over the last 2 weeks, Jane has worked 6 hours of overtime. Jane’s payroll period closes on a Thursday, and Jane will be paid on Friday. Jane should be paid for her overtime on Friday along with her normal wages. Jane can be paid no later than 7 days after the close of the payroll period. If Jane is not paid within that time, she may file an overtime wage claim in CA.

If you have a question about California overtime law or want to file an overtime wage claim, contact Strauss & Strauss APC.
